The Wisconsin Streampulse sites are located just west of Madison, in southern Wisconsin. They are characterized by substantial nutrient and sediment loading.

- Black Earth Creek

Brewery Creek
Being a tributary of Black Earth Creek, Brewery Creek has similar sediment and nutrient loading. It is much smaller, though prone to substantial floods. The study reach is entirely shaded. With USGS gage 05406469, has measurements of Discharge, Temperature, Dissolved Oxygen, Turbidity, Conductivity, Dissolved Carbon Dioxide, and FDOM.
Being a tributary of Black Earth Creek, Brewery Creek has similar sediment and nutrient loading. It is much smaller, though prone to substantial floods. The study reach is entirely shaded. With USGS gage 05406469, has measurements of Discharge, Temperature, Dissolved Oxygen, Turbidity, Conductivity, Dissolved Carbon Dioxide, and FDOM.