The Yarqon is a Mediterranean low-land urban stream located in central Israel. The stream suffers from chronic stress by human activity, which includes reduced discharge due to over-pumping of groundwater and input of treated wastewater. The Yarqon Stream meanders through the coastal plains and enters the city of Tel Aviv where its water is mainly used for recreation.
The measurement station is located in the area where the stream enters Tel Aviv and is instrumented with sensors that measure: EC, pH, and DO (Ponsel C4E, PHEHT, OPTOD sensors), nitrate (SEA-BIRD COASTAL, SUNA), chlorophyll, cDOM, and turbidity (Turner Designs, Cyclop 7F), CO2 (eosGP2), level (SEBA HYDROMETRIE, DST-22), and light (HOBO Data Loggers UA-002-64).
More information on the stream can be found here: https://www.yarqon.org.il/en/
The Yarqon is a Mediterranean low-land urban stream located in central Israel. The stream suffers from chronic stress by human activity, which includes reduced discharge due to over-pumping of groundwater and input of treated wastewater. The Yarqon Stream meanders through the coastal plains and enters the city of Tel Aviv where its water is mainly used for recreation.
The measurement station is located in the area where the stream enters Tel Aviv and is instrumented with sensors that measure: EC, pH, and DO (Ponsel C4E, PHEHT, OPTOD sensors), nitrate (SEA-BIRD COASTAL, SUNA), chlorophyll, cDOM, and turbidity (Turner Designs, Cyclop 7F), CO2 (eosGP2), level (SEBA HYDROMETRIE, DST-22), and light (HOBO Data Loggers UA-002-64).
More information on the stream can be found here: https://www.yarqon.org.il/en/