We're committed to publicly sharing the products of the StreamPULSE project, including raw data and methods. Below you will find links to the content and more information about our analysis.
Public data access is important to us.
Data will be released and available for download after initial quality checks (usually within a few weeks to a month of observation). Measurements include:
Metabolic model output will be released in batches after collaborator analysis.
Data will be released and available for download after initial quality checks (usually within a few weeks to a month of observation). Measurements include:
- water level
- dissolved oxygen
- carbon dioxide
- fraction dissolved organic matter
- pH
- turbidity
- conductivity
- light
- temperature
Metabolic model output will be released in batches after collaborator analysis.
Procedures and protocols
Compiled procedures and protocols for metabolism modeling can be found here.
Research papers
Ulseth, Amber J., Robert O. Hall, Marta Boix Canadell, Hilary L. Madinger, Amin Niayifar, and Tom J. Battin. "Distinct air–water gas exchange regimes in low-and high-energy streams." Nature Geoscience 12, no. 4 (2019): 259. (link)
Savoy, Philip, Alison P. Appling, James B. Heffernan, Edward G. Stets, Jordan S. Read, Judson W. Harvey, and Emily S. Bernhardt. "Metabolic rhythms in flowing waters: An approach for classifying river productivity regimes." Limnology and Oceanography (2019). (link)
Bernhardt, Emily S., Jim B. Heffernan, Nancy B. Grimm, Emily H. Stanley, J. W. Harvey, M. Arroita, Alison P. Appling et al. "The metabolic regimes of flowing waters." Limnology and Oceanography 63, no. S1 (2018): S99-S118. (link)
Appling, Alison P., Robert O. Hall Jr, Charles B. Yackulic, and Maite Arroita. "Overcoming equifinality: Leveraging long time series for stream metabolism estimation." Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 123, no. 2 (2018): 624-645. (link)
Savoy, Philip, Alison P. Appling, James B. Heffernan, Edward G. Stets, Jordan S. Read, Judson W. Harvey, and Emily S. Bernhardt. "Metabolic rhythms in flowing waters: An approach for classifying river productivity regimes." Limnology and Oceanography (2019). (link)
Bernhardt, Emily S., Jim B. Heffernan, Nancy B. Grimm, Emily H. Stanley, J. W. Harvey, M. Arroita, Alison P. Appling et al. "The metabolic regimes of flowing waters." Limnology and Oceanography 63, no. S1 (2018): S99-S118. (link)
Appling, Alison P., Robert O. Hall Jr, Charles B. Yackulic, and Maite Arroita. "Overcoming equifinality: Leveraging long time series for stream metabolism estimation." Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 123, no. 2 (2018): 624-645. (link)
Presentations and trainings

A team of ASU StreamPULSE participants met with Southwestern Academy students to discuss the ways ecologists use chemistry in their daily lives. Students assisted the team with data harvesting. Story here.